Vitamins In Skincare

Vitamins In Skincare

How many times have you eaten up your greens to make sure your body is getting the essential vitamins it needs? Our bodies need vitamins for normal functionality but unlike some other compounds, our cells cannot produce vitamins, so we must obtain them from food to ensure we have enough.

As well as being incredibly important to our health and body, vitamins are also crucial for the healthy function of the skin. Depending on what your skin needs, including a mix of vitamins into your regime will help to keep the complexion clear, bright and glowing. Here is your A, B, C guide to vitamins in skincare.

A - Vitamin A comes in a number of forms “ you may have heard of Retinol, Retin A, Tretinoin, etc. “ but they all work to normalize skin functions. This vitamin can gently resurface the skin, regulate sebum production and repair the structure of the epidermis, amongst other things. Its abilities of normalizing the skin mean it corrects skin concerns, making it ideal for those looking to treat acne or counteract signs of ageing.

Top tip: Our skin is naturally intolerant to vitamin A, so it is important to gradually introduce it into your routine. Start off at a low level and use twice a week before building up.

B - There are a range of B vitamins, each with different benefits to the skin, but an ingredient cropping up more and more in products is vitamin B3. Often labeled as Niacin, vitamin B3 improves the epidermis's ability to retain moisture, helping to prevent dryness and leaving soft, smoother skin.

C - Arguably the most renowned vitamin in the skincare world, vitamin C provides numerous benefits to skin. A powerful antioxidant, it helps to protect the skin against free radical damage, which leads to premature signs of ageing developing. It is a fantastic skin brightener, helping to reduce the appearance of dark spots and leaving skin glowing, as well as stimulating collagen production to improve skin firmness. A great all-rounder!

Top tip: Vitamin C is great for most skins, but avoid if you have active acne outbreaks.

E - Another powerful antioxidant is vitamin E, but it also has other benefits for the skin. It is an excellent moisturiser along with anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

Plus this compound assists in the penetration of other actives in your skincare, as well as absorbing easily itself.For more information on vitamins in your skincare or finding the right ones for you, call one of our skin experts on 0113 282 7744.

.Written for you by: Ellie, Face the Future

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